Preparing for a Contested Election – Bush v. Gore Supreme Court Clerk on Navigating the Uncertainty

Date & Time:
Wednesday, October 21, 2020, at 12:00 PM ET

When the 2000 Bush v. Gore recount dispute ensued, US markets reflected the uncertainty around who the next president would be. With the potential for no clear winner coming out of Election Day 2020, we’re holding a call to discuss what the process for reaching a resolution might be and how long it could take.

Join us for the second call in our Election Series with another former clerk for US Supreme Court during the Bush v. Gore Presidential Election to review what to expect from a contested election


A Contested Election? Election 2020 — Navigating the Turmoil With a Bush v. Gore Supreme Court Clerk

We recently held a call with a former Supreme Court clerk during the 2000 Presidential Election Bush v. Gore recount dispute to review how the court may approach a Biden-Trump contested election.


  • Why both parties are assembling “war rooms” and are preparing for a lengthy court battle after election day
  • Understanding each party’s potential legal strategies, and examining the tactics they may employ on their way to a possible final showdown in the Supreme Court

Complete the form below to request access to the call:


    Please select the calls of interest:

    October 21: Preparing for a Contested Election — Bush v. Gore Supreme Court Clerk on Navigating the Uncertainty

    October 14: A Contested Election? Election 2020 — Navigating the Turmoil With a Bush v. Gore Supreme Court Clerk


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    By clicking the ‘submit’ button you agree not to publish, share, or otherwise disclose any information obtained to any third party without Guidepoint’s prior written consent. Limit of three transcript or teleconference requests per non-client organization within a six month period. Attendance is limited for all live teleconferences, and submission of interest does not guarantee a spot will be available for any particular event.