Legal Solutions


Learn more about working with Guidepoint Legal Solutions.


Expert Witnesses

What are the benefits to having an Expert Witness on a case?

Expert Witnesses provide assessments and opinion testimony based on specialized knowledge, training, or experience. Expert Witnesses can provide credibility to the claims made in your case and therefore strengthen your argument.

How do I know I can trust the experts provided by Guidepoint?

Each expert provided by Guidepoint has been screened through a thorough vetting process including previous litigation experience, criminal background checks, Daubert/Frye, and others. We screen our experts to ensure credentials are accurate in order to provide our clients with knowledgeable experts they know they can trust.

If I pay Guidepoint for an Expert Witness Search, what if I’m not satisfied with the recommended experts?

At Guidepoint we tailor our searches to find experts that are specific to our clients’ needs. If a client is dissatisfied with the experts presented, we will tailor our search further using the client’s feedback and will be able to provide additional experts at their request.

Our attorneys usually find their own experts. What are the benefits to using Guidepoint to find experts instead?

Guidepoint Legal Solutions allows our clients to work more efficiently by providing resources necessary to screen cases and in turn position themselves for success. By utilizing Guidepoint’s extensive network of over 560,000 experts, our clients are guaranteed to be connected with key opinion leaders in any field. Guidepoint’s subscription rates are transparent and more cost effective than hourly services so you know what you are paying up front.

How are Guidepoint’s experts different from those I can find online?

Guidepoint experts are not “hired guns.” Guidepoint connects clients with professional experts who are highly credential and dedicated to their fields of expertise. In the case of an Expert Witness Search, Guidepoint is committed to providing clients with an expert who can help them gain a better understanding of their specialized field. Additionally, Guidepoint’s experts are extensively vetted to verify their credentials and suitability.

We have our own network of individuals we like to reuse. Is there a benefit to using new individuals as experts on different cases?

Our clients have found it very helpful to supplement a list of experts they have already used with new experts to avoid over-usage. Doing so enables a new group of experts to serve on cases, replenishing lists of available experts.

After I use an expert on a case, can I use him/her again if I have a similar case?

If you have additional cases that require their expertise in the future, Guidepoint can connect you with the same expert as long as you request them by name.

How long does it take to find an expert?

At Guidepoint, we pride ourselves in providing our clients with highly-credentialed experts in a timely manner. An Expert Witness Search will be completed within 72 hours, on average, if not sooner. The Legal Solutions team works to service our client’s requests as soon as possible, and in some cases, experts are presented to the client within the same day as the request. Please notify us if you require an expedited search.

Does Guidepoint Legal Solutions only have medical experts? Do you have non-medical experts?

The Guidepoint Legal Solutions team can service requests for experts in nearly any field or industry. To do so, the Legal Solutions team draws on Guidepoint’s extensive network and searches for experts in the requested field. The Legal Solutions team is also able to custom recruit outside of our network for an expert that best suits our client’s needs. We can custom recruit specific experts outside of our network if they are requested by the client.


Case Merit Analysis

How long does it take for a Case Merit Analysis to be completed?

A Case Merit Analysis will be completed within 48 hours, on average, if not sooner.

How do I share medical files needed to complete a Case Merit Analysis or Medical Event Chronology?

Our clients are emailed a ShareFile link where they can upload relevant medical files. Legal Solutions uses a HIPAA certified Citrix ShareFile account to ensure the safety and privacy of your documents.


Expert Witness Work

What is an Expert Witness?

An Expert Witness is a person who is qualified to give reliable expertise in a court of law on a specialized field. They are characterized as an expert because of their “knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education” (FRE Rule 702).

What is the need for an expert opinion? What is the goal of serving as an Expert Witness?

Expert opinion is used in cases to relay facts about a specialized field to a judge or jury. An expert’s testimony is based on objective data that provides information when a case concerns material that is difficult for a courtroom to understand and would aid a judge or jury in making a decision.

What are the ways in which I can interact with clients in the legal sector through Guidepoint?

  1. Case-Specific Expert Witness: You will provide your initial impressions of a case after reading a short paragraph vignette describing the details of a case and the standard of care involved. In many cases, you will be asked to participate in a vetting call for the client to assess your fit for the case. If retained by the client, you will be asked to review the case, and possibly to participate in a deposition or provide trial testimony, depending on the nature of the case.
  2. Subject Matter Expert: You will offer your expertise to clients through a one-hour call, where the client may ask for your opinion on a range of issues pertaining to their case. The client may request to retain you as a case-specific Expert Witness after the call if it is mutually agreeable.
  3. Survey: The third way to interact with clients is by participating in a survey related to a legal claim.

How could I benefit from being an Expert Witness?

By serving as an Expert Witness, you will help others become more familiar with your specialized field. Additionally, you will gain experience working with those outside of your area of expertise and by participating in a deposition or trial.

How does this differ from my current role as a Guidepoint Advisor?

Similar to your current role at Guidepoint, you will continue to offer your expertise to a client by operating as a subject matter expert for the legal sector. Unlike your current role, however, you have the chance to be retained by a client as a case-specific Expert Witness in an independent engagement with the possibility to appear in a court of law.

Does this change my current Guidepoint membership?

This will not affect your current membership at Guidepoint and you will remain a current member of the Advisor network.

How does working as an Expert Witness with Guidepoint differ from other firms?

Working as an Expert Witness with Guidepoint provides additional opportunities to work with clients, choosing to participate in either a one-hour consultation per the original Guidepoint model or to be retained by a client as an Expert Witness for participation in a legal case. Additionally, by participating in our unique surveys, you will be able to test claims and reveal trends about your field.


Eligibility and Requirements

Who can serve as an Expert Witness?

An Expert Witness must be someone who has specialized skills and knowledge in a certain field. Expert Witnesses most commonly come from the medical field but any professional can be an Expert Witness, such as a teacher, engineer, accountant, or architect.

Must I be actively practicing to serve as an Expert Witness?

A practicing expert is preferred to serve as an Expert Witness, although courts accept testimony of retired individuals if their experience outweighs the fact that they are not actively practicing.

What are the ethical guidelines for serving as an Expert Witness?

An Expert Witness should be able to both impartially and thoroughly review and report information while using factual scientific evidence to support their claims. Additionally, an Expert Witness should charge a fee that is directly correlated to the amount of time spent on the case.

What is the time commitment for an Expert Witness?

If retained by the client as an Expert Witness, you can expect to spend at least a few hours reviewing the case. Additionally, you are expected to participate in a deposition and give trial testimony, if necessary, which can last up to a day, or longer. If hired as a subject matter expert, you will speak to the client on a one-hour phone call.

Am I expected to be biased towards my client as their Expert Witness?

No. As an Expert Witness, you should offer your unbiased review of the facts of the case. You are not trying to help your client “win” but rather help them gain a better understanding of your specialized field.

Will I be expected to participate in a legal trial?

Some clients are looking to speak with a subject matter expert to gain more insight into a specific topic. In such instances, you would not need to participate in a legal trial and instead will consult with them during a one-hour phone call. A client may choose to continue to use your services by asking you to offer testimony in a legal trial.

Can a client use my opinion as legal testimony?

No. A client can take notes but nothing that is said in a conversation has the bearing of legal testimony. You may, however, be asked to give testimony at a trial.

Why conduct a Challenge Study?

A Challenge Study looks at an Expert Witness’ background to see if they have a history of giving unqualified, un-believable, or speculative advice or testimony. This is performed to discredit an Expert Witness’ opinion on a case.

Is my information public when I participate in a survey?

No. Your information and answers will remain anonymous if you participate in a survey related to a legal claim.

What is a conflict check and why is it important?

A conflict check will be conducted once you and the client are paired. This is necessary in cases to ensure that there are not factors present that would negatively affect the outcome of your case such as a conflict of interest or bias.